
Glockenspiel Soprano Sonor GP, with Sonor SCH 40 mallets
Length unit 28,2 cm
item name Soprano Glockenspiel
depth 01 unit 10,4 cm
height unit 3,2 cm
type soprano
sound bar color silver
sound bar material Steel
resonator box made of beech wood and beech plywood
series Primary
tuning standard tuning
scale C major scale
item description GP
tones c3, d3, e3, f3, f-sharp3, g3, a3, b-flat3, b3, c4, d4, e4, f4, f-sharp4
accessories 1 pair Wooden Headed Mallet, SCH 40
lowest note c3
highest note f-sharp4
number of notes 14
item no. 27841001
sound bars Steel, silver, 20 mm x 2 mm
sound bar width 20 mm
sound bars thickness 2 mm

Net price CHF 57.00

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