
Cympad Complete Set 2 X 50->90mm (CYP\_SET)
The Cympad is an innovative product intended to reduce the sound level of your cymbals.
The era of the deafening cymbals is at an end!

The Cympad is a ring of cellular foam and replaces the lower cymbalfelt on the Cymbalboom.
Compared to the classic felt, the Cympad has a larger diameter, which enables it to reduce the cymbal's oscillation and as such lowers the sound level without affecting the sound quality. The ring is 15mm thick and is available in 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90mm diameters.
This range allows the drummer to adapt his cymbals to any venue. Especially useful in small venues with a high level of sound reflection, tests have shown that using Cympads of 80 and 90mm diameters will reduce the cymbal's sound level by 20 to 25\%.

The Cympad is available in sets of two or in a complete set of two each in every size.
The Cympad is the ultimate solution for too loud cymbals and should be part of any drummers kit!

The complete set is 10 Cympads :
2 x 50 mm
2 x 60 mm
2 x 70 mm
2 x 80 mm
2 x 90 mm

Net price CHF 49.90

Normally shipped in 3 weeks.

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