
HardCase 10'' Tom tom Hard Case (HC HN10T)
  • Designed to carry both standard and power size.
  • Carry handles and ultra strong straps.
  • Drums with Isolation / Suspension Mounting Systems* i.e. Rims and Optimounts are no problem for these cases.
  • All Tom cases have the unique hardcase stacking feature.
  • Telescopic lid design.

  • Dim A: 365mm
  • Dim B: 313mm
  • Depth Min: 191mm
  • Depth Max: 317mm
Dim A : Measure accross drum rim diameter, plus tensioners, plus mounting lug, then add 25mm for clearance
Dim B : Measure accross diameter of drum rim plus tensioners then add 25mm for clearance. For floor toms, add size of leg lugs also.

* Please Note - Drums utilising Suspension Mounting Systems will need to use the next applicable size case up from the actual drum diameter (applies to sizes 8" up to 13" only).

Net price CHF 105.00

Normally shipped in 1 week.

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Top Music SA

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